A Anistia Internacional descobrir hackings de celulares de jornalistas, ativistas, etc por empresas de espionagem mercenária já está deixando de ser novidade, e exatamente por isto é ainda mais importante divulgar e lutar contra o uso de softwares espiões. Desta vez, os alvos confirmados pelo software espião (spyware) foram usuários de Android nos Emirados Árabes Unidos, Bielorússia, Indonésia e Itália, mas a campanha de espionagem provavelmente foi muito maior, atingindo pessoas em vários outros países.
"The newly discovered spyware campaign has been active since at least 2020 and targeted mobile and desktop devices, including users of Google’s Android operating system. The spyware and zero-day exploits were delivered from an extensive network of more than 1000 malicious domains, including domains spoofing media websites in multiple countries.
Amnesty International has published details of the domains and infrastructure it identified as associated with the attack on GitHub to aid civil society in investigating and responding to these attacks.
Google’s Threat Analysis Group found that Android users in the United Arab Emirates were targeted with one-time attack links sent over SMS which, if clicked, would install the spyware on the target’s phone. Human rights defenders in the UAE have long been victimized by spyware tools from cyber-surveillance companies such as NSO Group and Hacking Team over the past decade, including Ahmed Mansoor, who was targeted with spyware from both companies, and subsequently jailed by UAE authorities in response to his human rights work.
Amnesty International’s Security Lab identified additional activity related to this spyware campaign in Indonesia, Belarus, the UAE, and Italy. These countries likely represent only a small subset of the overall attack campaign based on the extensive nature of the wider attack infrastructure."
- Leia mais (em inglês): (https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/03/new-android-hacking-campaign-linked-to-mercenary-spyware-company/)[https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/03/new-android-hacking-campaign-linked-to-mercenary-spyware-company/]