Alterar ou rejeitar: Declaração conjunta sobre o Tratado da ONU sobre Crimes Cibernéticos

A AccessNow publicou recentemente uma declaração -- Amend or reject, joint statement on the UN Cybercrime Treaty -- conjunto com diversas outras organizações, recomendado que a ONU rejeite o Tratado sobre Crimes Cibernéticos, como está sendo proposto atualmente. (UN Cybercrime Treaty).

"Throughout the negotiations over the last two years, civil society groups and other stakeholders have consistently emphasized that the fight against cybercrime must not come at the expense of human rights, gender equality, and the dignity of the people whose lives will be affected by this Convention. It should not result in impeding security research and making us all less secure. Robust and meaningful safeguards and limitations are essential to avoid the possibility of abuse of relevant provisions of the Convention that could arise under the guise of combating cybercrime. Regrettably, the latest draft of the proposed Convention, which is due to be finalized by February 2024, fails to address many of our significant concerns. We believe that if the text of the Convention is approved in its current form, the risk of abuses and human rights violations will increase exponentially and leave us with a less secure internet." "[...]The present draft text falls far short of this goal and these basic minimum requirements, and must be comprehensively revised, amended, or rejected [...]"

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