Parte da excelente série do CIGI, Legitimate Influence or Unlawful Manipulation? (Influência legítima ou manipulação ilegal?, em inglês), o artigo oferece uma vista geral de como as leis canadenses tratam direitos como liberdade de pensamento, crença e opinião e como elas se relaciom com tecnologias comerciais de modificação e manipulação da mente humana.
"Under international human rights law, government has a duty to protect individuals from corporate interferences with rights. The rights to freedom of thought, belief and opinion have gained traction internationally as human rights that are infringed by technology-facilitated “mind hacking.”
In this policy brief, Emily Laidlaw explores the complicated status of the rights to freedom of thought, belief and opinion in Canadian law, writing that the legal uncertainty in this area creates a hurdle to making any use of them in practice. "
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