Investigação da Access Now, em parceria com Citizen Lab, Human Rights Watch, Security Lab da Anistia Internacional, OCCRP, e parceiros jordanianos, traz casos emblemáticos de como o uso de programas espiões (spyware) erodem o espaço cívico de um país. Neste caso, a Jordânia.
"Our investigation unveils the widespread hacking of NGO representatives, activists, journalists, and human rights lawyers in Jordan using Pegasus spyware. The attacks encompassed in our investigation span from 2019 until September 2023, with some victims reinfected with Pegasus multiple times — demonstrating the relentless nature of this targeted surveillance campaign. For example, we found that Hala Ahed was targeted once again. Given the risk of reprisals, some victims wished to remain anonymous. Detailed information on the 13 victims who consented to being identified publicly is presented..."
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