Não se preocupe com inteligência artificial saindo de sua caixa. Preocupe-se conosco invadindo-a.

Uma abordagem diferente sobre os problemas éticos e práticos da assim chamada inteligência artificial ("Não se preocupe com a IA saindo de sua caixa - preocupe-se conosco invadindo-a") em artigo de opinião de Rob Reid na Ars Technica: "Os piores impulsos humanos encontrarão muitos usos para a IA generativa." Em inglês.

Let’s start with the obvious fact that in an unguarded moment, ChatGPT probably could offer lethally accurate tips to criminals, torturers, terrorists, and lawyers. Open AI has disabled the DAN prompt. But plenty of smart, relentless people are digging hard for subtler workarounds. These could include backdoors made by the chatbot's own developers to give themselves full access to Batshit Mode. Indeed, ChatGPT tried to persuade me that DAN itself was precisely this (although I assume it was hallucinating since the identity of the Redditor behind the DAN prompt is widely known):

Once the big LLMs are jailbroken—or powerful, uncensored alternate and/or open source models emerge—they will start running amok. Not of their own volition (they have none) but on the volition of amoral, malevolent, or merely bored users.

Leia mais: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/02/dont-worry-about-ai-breaking-out-of-its-box-worry-about-us-breaking-in/

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